Dear Parents,
Can you believe we are here already? 5th grade! Where did the time go? I want to welcome you back to school for another year of learning. I am thrilled to welcome your family into my classroom and look forward to working with you to make this year the most successful one yet.
Fifth grade is a challenging year. A lot of responsibility is put on the student as they learn to be successful for the future. This is the time when the stakes are raised, and a level of maturity is required of them that has not yet been asked for. They will be working independently, in groups, and with teachers along the journey, all in an effort to help them acquire skills they will need down the road. Please know that we are all in this together and want the same thing for your child. I feel that all parents want the very best for their children, and I want you to know that I want that too, and will work tirelessly to achieve that standard.
I want my classroom to be one of learning, growth, light, and love. I want the children to learn responsibility, but to not forget that they are children and that this time in their lives will pass too quickly. We need to slow down and enjoy being 10 and 11 years old. So, if your child comes home and says, “Mrs. Sparks let us play in the snow this morning instead of practicing our spelling words,” know that we will catch up on that later, but I find it equally important to seize those small moments in life. I am so excited that your child was chosen to be in my classroom this year, and look forward to helping them grow and find the place that they thrive. I am 100% invested in your child and their future. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.
Thank you,
Amber Sparks
Twitter: @MrsSparksSays
Instagram: @MrsSparksSays
Facebook: @MrsSparksSays