Sunday, March 5, 2017

Fantasy and Science Fiction Projects Due April 11th

Fantasy Rubric
Science Fiction Rubric

Please click on the links below the pictures to view and print the rubrics.  Students can do either project with their book.  They just need to follow the rubric for that project.  So, a student who is reading a fantasy genre can still do the project for the science fiction genre if they choose and vice versa.  I have plenty of rubrics printed and ready to go in my classroom.  Any project turned in without a rubric will not be graded until a rubric is turned in.  This project will be done 100% AT HOME this time.  I know this is a bit of a change, but the kids have done enough projects with me to know what my expectations are, and will do a great job on their own at home.  Please let me know if you have any questions!